There are an endless number of issues that our community faces. And, how we decide to tackle them as a community is incredibly important. Education, public safety, and the economy are certainly at the top of the list; however, there are plenty of other issues that families and neighborhoods face on a daily basis that also need to be addressed. That is what Village of Simpson looks to help with.

Solutions don’t' com easy. By listening and talking about ideas big steps toward finding solutions and common ground can be made. It's how we can ensure our community is better off for everyone. If we work for it, it will happen.


Martin Mayo - Water Operator

Quana L. Mayo - City Clerk
(337) 383-7731
Water Emergencies -
(337) 208-0088 (After Business Hours)

The Water We Drink

Heather Walker - Assistant Clerk

Start or Change Water Service

To begin, the responsible party must complete the following and return to the Water Dept.:
  • Completed Forms (pdf)
  • Deposit/Service Fees Paid (see forms)
  • Legal Form of Identification (drivers license or military ID)